Every year, our government subsidises the burning of oil, gas and coal to the tune of more than 48 billion euros. By subsidising fossil fuels, the government is foregoing a lot of money and further fuelling the climate catastrophe. Want some examples?
The money could be well spent on social programmes: attractive public transport, social housing, an adequate basic child benefit system, etc.
Deshalb brauchen wir dich! Werde jetzt bei uns aktiv und finde deine Rolle – sei es in der Vernetzung, Social Media Arbeit, generellen Bündnisarbeit oder in deiner Stadt das Bündnis „Stoppt fossile Subventionen“ ermöglichen.
Gemeinsam können wir echte Veränderungen bewirken: „Vereint sind wir stärker!“
Wir sind ein Bündnis von engagierten Menschen und Organisationen, die sich für den schnellen Ausstieg aus fossilen Subventionen einsetzen. Denn während die Klimakrise eskaliert, fließen immer noch Milliarden in die fossile Industrie – auf Kosten unserer Zukunft.
Unser zentraler Aktionstag in Brüssel am 5. Oktober war ein starkes Zeichen: Gemeinsam mit Bündnissen aus ganz Europa haben wir laut und entschlossen gefordert, dass die EU endlich einen klaren Plan zur Abschaffung fossiler Subventionen vorlegt – und zwar sozial gerecht und ohne weitere Verzögerung.
Unsere Arbeit geht weiter! Wir kämpfen weiter für eine klimagerechte Welt, für eine Politik, die den Menschen und nicht fossilen Konzernen dient. Werde Teil der Bewegung und setze mit uns ein Zeichen!
Every year, our government subsidizes the burning of oil, gas and coal with more than 48 billion euros. Through these fossil fuel subsidies, the government foregoes significant revenue and further fuels the climate catastrophe.
Instead of investing in a sustainable and just future, it continues to support environmentally and climate-damaging practices. This not only has a devastating impact on our climate, but also exacerbates social injustice and is a breeding ground for fascism. The costs of this misguided policy are borne primarily by those who contribute the least: socially disadvantaged groups, people with a migrant background, queer people, women and other marginalized groups.
That is why we need a strong alliance for social, societal and climate activist movements in Germany.
Only together can we develop the necessary strength to combat these injustices and bring about real change. An alliance unites the forces of different movements and makes it possible to fight together for a just and sustainable future.
Together we can:
Our goals are clear: a fair distribution of resources, social participation for all and a consistent climate policy. Through a strong alliance we can achieve these goals and secure a future worth living for all. Let us stand together and bring about the necessary changes together. It is high time that we act!
The alliance was launched with the movements and groups Extinction Rebellion, Letzte Generation, Brücke des Glaubens, Eltern gegen die Fossilindustrie, 350.org, Sand im Getriebe Berlin, Geradedenken, Initiative KlimaGerecht Leben and Scientist Rebellion!
In December 2023, the first alliance protest took place as a disobedient street festival in Berlin, organised by Letzte Generation and Extinction Rebellion, among others, and accompanied by a cycling demo by the citizens' initiative A100 and Changing Cities; a total of 500 participants took part in all forms of protest.
Another protest followed in Berlin in March 2024 and the alliance subsequently grew to include the queer-feminist climate justice movement Queermany.
This led to the first protests in three cities: Berlin, Munich and Brussels. While we were expanding our structure and focussing on more local alliance protests, the feminist group Women* in Resistance joined the alliance.
5 October in Brussels and Kassel: Central day of action against fossil fuel subsidies on 5 October in Brussels. Disobedient street festival in Kassel.