We will be back!


Am Sonntag, dem 15.09. gingen wir wieder mit einem breiten Bündnis gegen fossile Subventionen auf die Straße. 🎶 ☀️ 🎉
Nach der #A100Wegbassen-Demo am Freitag kehrten wir am Sonntag ungehorsam und friedlich zur Elsenbrücke zurück und machten klar: Wir fordern Geld für Soziales, statt für Kohle, Öl und Gas! 📣 🛢️ 🚫

(Die Aktion fand im Rahmen des Living Resistance Festivals statt: xrshort.eu/fest24)

48 billion for climate collapse?

What happens?

Every year, our government subsidises the burning of oil, gas and coal to the tune of more than 48 billion euros. By subsidising fossil fuels, the government is foregoing a lot of money and further fuelling the climate catastrophe. Want some examples?

  • Free allocation of CO2 certificates means that industry does not have to pay anything for some of its CO2 emissions. (€ 9 billion)
  • Flights are subsidised by the energy tax exemption on paraffin. (€ 8.4 billion)
  • Fat SUVs are brought onto the roads through the company car privilege. (~€4.3bn)

What should happen?

The money could be well spent on social programmes: attractive public transport, social housing, an adequate basic child benefit system, etc.

13. September 2024 • A100 WEGBASSEN – Berlin.Stadt.Autobahn.

Ein breites Bündnis stellte sich dem Ausbau der A100 und der Verdrängung entgegen und forderte unüberhörbar in einem Demorave den Erhalt von Kulturorten sowie queerer und progressiver Safe Spaces. Natürlich waren wir dabei! Wir selbst greifen diese destruktive Verkehrspolitik im Rahmen der Kampagne „Stoppt Fossile Subventionen“ regelmäßig auf und freuten uns daher, als Teil des Demoraves laut und bunt durch die Stadt zu tanzen. 💃🕺👩‍🦼

Mehrere hundert Menschen nahmen an der Demo teil. Wir trafen uns im Camp „Living Resistance“ im Treptower Park und zogen mit einer Zubringerdemo als 🦩Klimagerechtigkeitsblock🌿 zu Fuß zum Demorave. Dort schlossen wir uns mit stadtpolitischen Initiativen, der Club- und Kulturszene sowie queerfeministischen Bewegungen zusammen und zeigten: Wir lassen uns nicht gegeneinander ausspielen, sondern stehen Schulter an Schulter für eine lebenswerte Stadt!

Why we are an alliance


Every year, our government subsidizes the burning of oil, gas and coal with more than 48 billion euros. Through these fossil fuel subsidies, the government foregoes significant revenue and further fuels the climate catastrophe.

Instead of investing in a sustainable and just future, it continues to support environmentally and climate-damaging practices. This not only has a devastating impact on our climate, but also exacerbates social injustice and is a breeding ground for fascism. The costs of this misguided policy are borne primarily by those who contribute the least: socially disadvantaged groups, people with a migrant background, queer people, women and other marginalized groups.

That is why we need a strong alliance for social, societal and climate activist movements in Germany.

Only together can we develop the necessary strength to combat these injustices and bring about real change. An alliance unites the forces of different movements and makes it possible to fight together for a just and sustainable future.

Together we can:

  • End fossil fuel subsidies and invest the money saved in social justice and climate protection.
  • EA social heat and housing transition promote, among other things, creating affordable, energy-efficient housing through the sustainable expansion of social housing.
  • A fair transport policy which consistently promotes local public transport and cycling instead of major climate-damaging projects such as the A100 motorway.
  • Drying out the breeding ground for fascism and social coldnessby building solidarity and inclusive structures.
  • Preserving a progressive society and democracy and fight against the repetition of mistakes from the past.
  • Strengthening organic farmingby promoting sustainable farming practices and supporting farmers in rural areas.

Our goals are clear: a fair distribution of resources, social participation for all and a consistent climate policy. Through a strong alliance we can achieve these goals and secure a future worth living for all. Let us stand together and bring about the necessary changes together. It is high time that we act!

Gegen Faschismus und sozialkalte politik​ vom 3. August 2024

Über 42 Gruppen, Kollektive, Bewegungen und Bündnisse hatten zur Großdemonstration aufgerufen – allein 26 davon über einen gemeinsamen Aufruf! Gemeinsam standen wir gegen den Rechtsruck, reaktionäres und verschwörungsideologisches Gedankengut sowie Wissenschafts- und Demokratiefeindlichkeit. Über 300 Menschen waren dabei und setzten ein starkes Zeichen: Bunt statt Braun 🌈 Stoppt AfD, Junge Alternative, Querdenken und deren Verschwörungsideologien!

Unsere Ziele:
▶️ Bewahrung einer progressiven Gesellschaft und Demokratie: Für eine gerechte, inklusive und solidarische Gesellschaft, in der queere, feministische, aktivistische Personen sowie Menschen mit oder ohne Migrationshintergrund unabhängig von ihrer Herkunft oder Identität Gehör finden – ein Gegenpol zu rechten und konservativen Gruppierungen.
▶️ Wissenschaftsbasierte Klimapolitik umsetzen statt Klimawandelverleugnung: Stoppt fossile Subventionen – für eine nachhaltige und sozialgerechte Klimapolitik statt Umweltzerstörung und Ungleichheit!
▶️ Klare Kante gegen Hass und Diskriminierung: Für eine gerechte Sozial-, Gesellschafts- und Klimapolitik. Es darf nicht zugelassen werden, dass sich Geschichte wiederholt.

Der Protest wurde von Geradedenken und Queermany Berlin organisiert und vom Bündnis „Stoppt fossile Subventionen“ unterstützt.

Solidarity protest weekend from 31 May to 2 June

A weekend full of commitment and solidarity: From May 31 to June 2, several important protests took place in Berlin, which we supported and called for as the “Stop Fossil Subsidies” alliance.

On May 31, the alliance took part in the climate strike for the EU elections. From 12 noon, the activists gathered at the Brandenburg Gate, recognizable by the banner “Stop fossil subsidies” and as part of their own Change System demo block.

On June 1, the alliance supported the demonstration against the crazy rent prices. The meeting point for the participants was at 2 p.m. at Potsdamer Platz, where they gathered in the climate block.

The event concluded on June 2 with the motorway demolition party, organized by the A100 citizens' initiative, among others.

Stop fossil subsidies from May 5, 2024

We as the Alliance “Stop fossil subsidies” had blocked the B96 at the Elsenbrücke, near Treptower Park, and thus symbolically blocked the further expansion of the A100. Around 230 people are sitting, standing and dancing on the street.

Numerous other people joined the registered vigil of the "Last Generation Berlin" in the immediate vicinity and came to the mass protest via the bicycle demonstration and the final rally of "Queermany" on the B96. The alliance's demand to the government can be clearly read on colorful flags, banners and posters: "Stop fossil subsidies!"

We demanded, made music, danced, felt: at the bike demo, with friends, with children and with a touching end on the 17th construction section of the A100.

The bike demo and rally were organized by Queermany and supported by Extinction Rebellion Germany. The disobedient street festival and the vigil were organized by the Last Generation Berlin. The actions were supported by the alliance “Stop fossil subsidies”.

Stop fossil subsidies from March 2, 2024

We resolutely blocked the A100 with 500 people to stop fossil fuel subsidies!

We demanded, made music, danced, felt: at the bike demo, with friends, with children and with a touching end on the 17th construction section of the A100.

Stop Fossil Subsidies from December 9, 2023

Hundreds of people from all age groups take part in the first mass blockade. Banners read the demand "Stop fossil subsidies", people danced, sang and shouted slogans.

Marit Schatzmann, spokesperson for Parents Against the Fossil Fuel Industry, explains: "While Scholz speaks in Dubai of a firm commitment to phasing out fossil fuels, his government in Germany is subsidising the burning of oil, gas and coal to the tune of more than 48 billion euros. The subsidisation of climate collapse must stop and the money must be used for a socially just transformation of our society."

Today's protest is just the beginning of many more mass blockades. According to the alliance, the protests will continue until fossil fuel subsidies are finally stopped.


Example: The Netherlands

In the Netherlands, a large alliance has occupied the A12 motorway in The Hague every few months to demand an end to fossil fuel subsidies. Each time the numbers have grown. Most recently, over 25,000 people took part in the action. They blocked the A12 motorway every day and were ultimately successful: The parliament decided that fossil fuel subsidies must end.
The success in The Hague showed what we can achieve with mass peaceful protest.

EU campaign United for Climate Justice

413.4 billion euros for fossil fuel subsidies is being spent by the EU while the climate crisis continues to escalate!
2023 was the hottest summer for several thousand years. Eight European countries have experienced the hottest year since weather records began. Yet the EU and governments are not aiming to change course. Subsidizing companies that fuel the climate crisis is irresponsible and criminal - it must stop NOW!
That’s why, inspired by the A12 blockades in the Netherlands, we are joining United for Climate Justice (UCJ) to plan collective action.
We demand that the EU and its member states end all fossil fuel subsidies immediately!

Who is fully involved in the alliance in Berlin?

Various groups are already active in our alliance Stop Fossil Subsidies Berlin! Would your group like to be involved? What should all that money be used for? Write us !

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